This amazing piece of information list provides about How to Care Ficus Benjamina and Pruning ficus branches, list of Basic Bonsai Styles

Slanting Style

As a result of the wind blowing in one dominant direction or when a tree is in the shadow and must bend toward the sun, the tree will lean in one direction. With Bonsai, the leaning style should grow at an angle of about 60 - 80 degrees relative to the ground. The roots are well developed on one side to keep the tree standing. On the side toward which the tree is leaning, the roots are clearly not as well developed. The first branch grows opposite the direction of the tree, in order to balance it. The trunk can be slightly bent or completely straight, but still be thicker at the bottom than at the top.

Ficus Diseases and Pests

Ficus pests are mainly scale, mites and mealy bugs.
Ficus can be treated with soap sprays for most insect infestations.
Yellow leaves, sticky leaves, off color leaves and/or spider webs indicate insect problems.