This amazing piece of information list provides about How to Care Ficus Benjamina and Pruning ficus branches, list of Basic Bonsai Styles


The forest style looks a lot like the multi-trunk style, but the difference is that it is comprised of several trees rather than one tree with several trunks. The most developed trees are planted in the middle of a large and shallow pot. On the sides of the pot a few smaller trees are planted to contribute to one single crown. The trees are planted not in a straight line but in a staggered pattern, because this way the forest looks natural.

Bonsai Styles - Forest or Group Planting (YOSE-UYE)

Keep the space between forest and empty ground in good contrast. There should be more foreground with the trees more to the back. Keep an uneven space on both sides.
The side with the smaller trees should have more space, and gradually taper away. The taller side should be closely spaced and show a sharper grade.
One unit of forest planted radically to the back corner.
Two units of forest planted so that the trees on both ends will keep circling back into the forest, creating a movement.
Three units of forest planted with the same movement in mind.
Taller trees in front, medium size in the middle and smallest toward the back will create better perspective.
Images and content taken from from "Bonsai Techniques I" by John Yoshio Naka under express permission from the author. Dallas Bonsai holds all content and material rights reserved. © 2001

Ficus Diseases and Pests

Ficus pests are mainly scale, mites and mealy bugs.
Ficus can be treated with soap sprays for most insect infestations.
Yellow leaves, sticky leaves, off color leaves and/or spider webs indicate insect problems.